Monday, December 22, 2008

Cutting teeth

Leonard cut his first tooth on Saturday. THAT was a rough night!

You can see the white coming through and he has been such a trooper! I would post a pic, but YOU try getting that squirmy little boy to show you his tooth...haha...not happening!

Friday, December 12, 2008

New Toy!

Well, I finished Leonard's Christmas shopping and most everything is under the tree but I COULD NOT resist pulling this thing out and letting him play on it! He really is enjoying playing in it and checking everything out. Basis for picking it out.
#1. I love all things Baby Einstein
#2 Highest weight limit! Haha!
He's been having a blast in it and I hope to get a video of him playing and hollering in it up here tonite or tomorrow (Grandpa Russell loves the videos!).

So here is one of him in the new exersaucer and a cute one. Im having a hard time getting smiles lately b/c whenever he sees that red light on the camera he stops whatever he is doing and stares! Its funny!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Leonard's binky has been quite a necessity lately with him teething. He seems to prefer chewing on a binky rather than a teething ring, which is fine.

So last nite he had another rough nite and as I am packing his stuff to go to my mom's im thinking in my head "grab the binky off the couch". Well of course i forget it and im almost to my moms when I remember so I run in Walgreens to grab some more.

Of COURSE they dont have the Avent ones, which is what he has always used. The Mam ones looked the most like his other ones so I went ahead and got those and upgraded to 6 months and up.

I get to my moms and I pop the binky in his mouth to test it and he sort of chews, sucks, spits it out, holds it, looks at it and i stick it back in. He started sucking happily on it so im like "WHEW!".

My mom calls me a couple hours later at work to report it didnt leave his mouth until she fed him and that he was napping and sucking happily on his binky.

GREAT! So now im probably going to have to replace all my binkys...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bath Time Fun

I only get the chance to give Leonard baths on the weekend, since he takes his baths at Grandma's mostly. We had fun this past weekend doing bathtime in the sink since Leonard seems to have outgrown his tub...along with just about everything else...haha!