Friday, May 23, 2008

Almost 35 weeks

My Mother in Law brought it to my attention that im neglecting my posting duties and I totally am! I have alot of pics id love to post...but our camera is missing...SO AGGRAVATING FOR A SCRAPPER! I missed some great photo ops this weekend when we took Alexa and her two friends to the beach and then to their pool. I got her some new swimsuits and they are SO CUTE. So PRAY we can find the stupid camera!

We have been taking our childbirthing classes which (thankfully) have been super informative. Alot of people have been like "oh you will never use that stuff" but after talking to my mom a bit (who has had 4 kids) I realize that learning NOW to breathe will make the labor ALOT easier. Apparently, all that breathing stuff ACTUALLY WORKS!! HAHA! As a former ballet dancer I do realize the importance of breathing, especially breathing through movement so im hoping to make it as easy as possible on myself by not totally freaking out. Breathing=oxygen to muscles=happy muscles. I plan on getting an epidural if necessary, but plan to work through it as much as I can.

Another cool thing about the classes is that it is at the hospital im birthing at so we have learned the ins and outs of the hospital and useful info like what you cant bring and what you can bring and what is actually available to us. The birthing rooms are beautiful and im glad I will be birthing in a very homey atmosphere. The post partum rooms are very nice too. We are very confident that we will get great care at St. Vincents. So im in the process of making the list of what will go in my hospital bag and getting it all together and in the car so we can be ready to go and not forget anything.

Watching like a dozen birthing videos has make me more calm about the whole labor and delivery process. I will be fine im sure. I forget I do have a high pain threshold. Its gonna hurt like nothing else, but its over so fast and then my little Leonard will be here!

Just pray that he doesnt come before his room is done...


Meaghan said...

You sound really prepared- you will do great! Breathing is what it is all about- I ended up having a natural childbirth, and it really was a piece of cake. I think watching all those videos was more traumatic than actually giving birth! Good luck!

(PS- found your blog on scrapjazz :) )

Joanne said...

Hope you find your camera soon.. that is frustrating.

6 more weeks and little Leonard and little Caleb and little Noah will be here!!!

Can't wait!!!!!!!!! Super exciting! The weeks are going to fly by!