Friday, April 1, 2011

Just Do It!

Yesterday I hurriedly finished my daily chores and took a quick peek at my Weekly Chore List.  If you follow the Flylady you know that this is just a list of things that should be done in each room weekly to keep things clean.  I noticed that it was Thursday and I was REALLY behind on it.  So I had a choice.  The kids were still napping so I could either A) sit on my bum in my sorta clean house and try to do everything on Friday.  Or B) Get it done, out of the way.  So I chose B, considering a few of the things (cleaning out my freezer/fridge) haven't been done in a loooong time.

While I was cleaning out my freezer and thinking of how much easier this would be next week since I was getting it good and clean now, I had a thought.  I am the ultimate procrastinator, always have been.  How often do we sit and look at the same pile of junk whether physically or figuratively and keep thinking "tomorrow, next week, when my kids are older, when I have more energy, when I have more time, I don't have time..." the list goes on.

Well here's the kicker...sometimes you just have to DO IT.  Tired, with misbehaving children, and out of time.  And I am not just talking about cleaning.


After Isabela was born I was determined to lose the weight.  Having my kids pretty much back to back had totally wrecked me and left me pretty chunky.  I made a choice to make my health a priority and in doing that making my kid's future a priority.  Isabela was about 2-3 months old when we signed up for the YMCA and I began going 4-5 times a week.  It has been a slow and difficult process, I did it with no crazy diets, no fad supplements and I am nearing my target weight.  It feels REALLY good because I did it when it would have been easier to sleep in, my kids were cranky, when it took an hour just to get out of the house.  It is really something to be proud of.  Today, I feel amazing and have even started running again, something I haven't been able to do in ages.

Sometimes we as moms need to muster up a little girl power, get off the couch and say, I am AWESOME and I can do this! I'm not going to let my messy house rule my life, I am going to do something great for myself and I am not going to feel guilty about it!

Think about the accomplishments that have gotten you where you are.  I NEVER toot my own horn, but here I go.  I am a full time mom, a full time college student, I have a 4.0 GPA and have been on the President's list every semester, I have a blog (even if no one reads it),I love working out, I have lost probably over 35 lbs all by myself,  I have awesome kids and a great husband and a mostly clean house (thanks to the Flylady).  These are all AWESOME things.

Let's all determine to say "I'm going to do it NOW" everyday to one thing that we have been putting off.  Today, mine is mopping the bathroom floor.  It can be that small or something big like strapping those kids in the stroller and walking a mile.

We aren't promised tomorrow and I want to spend everyday being able to cross off something on my checklist and the one that God has for me.  

Life isn't about all the big decisions, it's really the small ones we make along the way that mold us and take us to the big decisions.  So off I go...gonna mop that bathroom floor.

1 comment:

Vanessa Herrema said...

Erin you inspire me and encourage me! Love you lady!