Thursday, August 18, 2011

Inspiration Workshop - Week 12 - The Front Porch

I came across this adorable blog, Gussy Sews, this week while on Twitter and she is having a link party about front porches so I had to join in :)

I actually have a really great front porch, just maybe not the best views? 
Our porch just isn't in the best shape right now. 

I spend more time in my backyard actually, which doesn't have a whole lot going on either, but right now, that works perfectly.
 Here are some much lovelier porches, participating in this is reminding me that my porch REALLY needs some love.

(Could this be ANY MORE PERFECT! <3
Absolutely PERFECT!

So the 5 things on my porch would need to be:
 1) A chaise lounge with a little table for my book and iced coffee...or sweet tea, either would work!

2)LOTS of amazing plants and flowers...I used to have a bunch...then I killed them :-/

3) The hubby and my kids playing quietly nearby with dolls or cars or perusing books and coloring...realistically, it probably wouldn't be so quiet...

4) A large citronella candle (or maybe 3). This is Florida after all...

5) A great breeze.

Porches are great reminders that you don't need to have a lot of gadgets and gizmos to have a really wonderful time with your friends and family.

Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love Gussy! I bought one of her ruffle small wallets last year. She is adorable!